what makes us a community pub?
Being a community hub is very important part of a village pub, people need a place they feel welcomed into, a place to meet friends and make new ones. At the Boot and slipper we try our best of offer clubs and activities for everyone!
Craft club
The crafty Booters meet every Monday evening from 7pm till 9pm and are always welcoming crafters. Simply bring along your materials and meet like minded crafters in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The Craft club always get involved in making new Christmas decorations and helping decorate when we have themed events.
Boot-it Club
The boot it club is a table training group to help people get online and keep up with technology. We feel the way technology is growing this is very important. Classes are from 10am till 12noon Thursday mornings during term times. Feel free to visit www.boot-it.org.uk to see some topics we have covered and the upcoming term dates.
Coffee morning
We hold a monthly coffee morning on the first Wednesday of the month from 10am till 12noon. This is open to everyone and for a small fee you can have as much tea/coffee as you like and a bun. We Also have guest speakers occasionally. Some of our regular speakers to the coffee morning include the police, fire officers to make people aware of what they are entitled to.
Yearly Events
Along with having these regular groups & classes we have yearly events and charity fundraiser as we feel it is important to give back to the community. Keep your eyes open for these event throughout the year.
Easter trail 
The Easter trail is a trail made up of different questions and puzzled located all around the village. Starting at the Boot & Slipper where you pick up your map and back to the pub for you prize at the end. This is usually held on Easter Monday but look out nearer the time for more information.
Halloween activities
Around Halloween we hold either a Carnival or a Halloween party for the children. Fancy dress is always encourage for this spooky event.Halloween activities have previously been kids Halloween parties & Halloween themed carnivals. Everyone is welcome to these events but please look out through October as sometimes children’s names need to be down before the event.
Macmillan coffee morning
A new village tradition is the Macmillan coffee morning which has been held at the Boot & Slipper for 6 years now and helping to raise over £7500 in this time. The village really pulls together to show off there baking, enter competitions and get involved. Look out near the end of September for more information on this great community event.
Domino knockout 
Held in February each year to honor a old landlord of the Boot & Slipper who loved his dominoes. Its just a small fee to enter and no experience in needed! This helps to raise money for the British Heart Foundation in his Honor.
Harvest auction 
Held each October this helps to raise money for the Social fund, Helping keep the Dart, Quiz & Domino teams going along with helping to support other local teams and events within the village. It is a Guaranteed night of bargains and laughs.
Alzheimer’s might quiz
This is held once a year to raise money in memory of three locals in the village who have sadly passed away. This is a great night of laughs a helps to raise money for such a great cause. Everyone is welcome to get a team together a join in the fun. The event usual takes place during April so keep your eyes peeled for more information.

Christmas carol singing
During December it is a traditional to do a little bit of carol singing. We have taken this to the next level and encourage everyone in the pub to join in your carols singing. Everyone is welcome to warmed mulled wine & minced pies. This is a great evening of singing and feeling part of such a welcoming community.